Friday, July 6, 2007

Angelina Jolie teams up with Fran Drescher

Fran Drescher receives a certain unexpected support of his new charity of cancer of Angelina Jolie, which lost his/her own mother with the disease in January. Old “good children” hold the first role indicated To the INVESTIGATOR in an exclusive interview that it and Angelina stuck as 56 years Marcheline Bertrand, the mom of Angelina, cancer ovarien fought. To speak during launching of its “movement of Schmancer de Cancer” on June 20 in the town of New York and celebration the seven years of health after its clean fight against uterine years Fran of cancer 49 known as that Angelina had been large cross for the organization emplumante. “His/her mother had the same oncologist as I at a point and Brad Pitt has the same publicity agent, thus we are very connected together,” said Fran. “Since its mom died, it was a large defender of the base. It really reached outside, which is marvellous. ” The organization shares its name with the Fran book parked about his battle with the disease, in in which it indicated it had returned visit to eight doctors two years before it was given a suitable diagnosis for its symptoms.