Friday, June 27, 2008

Angelina Jolie Endorses World Refugee Day

Never one to turn to humanitarian work, Angelina Jolie has recorded a public service announcement for World Refugee Day (June 20) to help raise awareness about the plight of millions of people at risk.The 33-year "Wanted" actress was originally committed to the work of the UN refugees during a February 2001 visit to war-torn Sierra Leone in West Africa, before shooting - across borders with Clive Owen.

"They survived the war, they survived displacement, they have survived rape, they have survived hunger and disease," said Angelina Jolie (who expects the twins with Brad Pitt this summer). "For those who survived and those who did not, we believe you this day."

In the PSA, Angelina Jolie, who serves as a goodwill ambassador for the United Nations Refugees, explains what life is like for millions around the globe and emotion scenes of refugees flash on the screen.

The actress and activist on Human Rights also plan to write an article for major American newspapers to coincide with Friday's day of action. (World Refugee Day will be marked by demonstrations around the world: London, Trafalgar Square is being converted into a replica Darfur village, the Coliseum in Rome will be lit with refugees and logo in Washington, DC, Chicago Bulls basketball player Luol Deng will receive humanitarian aid this year.)

Brangelina Has Pledged 1 Million For The Children In Iraq

The couples are committed to the generosity through their amount Jolie-Pitt Foundation which will be shared by four organizations that are working to provide education and support for children who lost their parents, homes and opportunities for schooling in Iraq and children of American soldiers who are long deployment, injured or dead. "Brangelina" - or Hollywood's favorite couple. For now, it seems life could not get much better for both. Here we trace their respective histories. United Nations Ambassador Angelina Jolie - who visited Iraq twice last year to see the devastation caused by the war - said: "These programs support education for children in conflict are the best way to help to heal.” Brad added: "We want to encourage others to give these large organizations."

Admiral Frank Gallo, national director of the Armed Forces YMCA, a charity that will receive a portion of the money, said: "The contribution of the Jolie-Pitt Foundation is a major boost to our efforts to serve children of our brave members of the USA Armed Services who are involved in our current conflict.”

The Jolie-Pitt Foundation has already submitted a similar amount to humanitarian groups Doctors Without Borders and Global Action for Children, as well as charities helping people in the crisis region of Africa in Darfur.

The couple - expecting twins - have adopted three children, born cambodian Maddox, six, four years Pax from Vietnam, three-year Ethiopian-born Zahara and two years, biological daughter Shiloh.